Consumers have started to question the quality of the water they drink and the pipes through which it flows to their tap. Globally, water pipes, and drinking and waste water infrastructures have been under a spotlight in recent years. Upgrading systems or replacing pipes is an immediate need.

IOREX is an innovative water and pipe treatment device that utilizes the flow of water to actually clean and maintain water pipes rather than corrode them. This allows building and property owners, organizations, and municipal water management bodies to stop wasting fiscal resources on maintenance, controversial chemical treatments, descaling, pipe lining or pipe replacement.

IOREX installation requires no maintenance, uses no chemicals, and requires no external power source. It can be used in any home, building or facility water pipe system, and can be installed in just a few hours on any pipe size from 1/2” to 36” in diameter.


We support LEED credits in four categories:

  • Water Efficiency 

  • Energy and Atmosphere

  • Innovation

  • Integrated Design Process 
